Wanderers of the Confins

Long ago, the world was an unending, tumultuous sea.
Nothing had a beginning, and nothing had an end.
-Then, from this primordial sea came the weaver.
They pulled apart the disorder and formed the grounded world of humans. But, they could not completely get rid of the chaos, and so what was left became what is commonly called the Confins.
Afterwards, they disappeared back into the endless sea.
Their heirs formed the first order of exorcists, and continued on by sealing the Old Gods in the Confins.Or so the legend says...-Today, many powers are in dispute over the secrets enclosed in this world.

The ConfinsThis world exists at the frontier of dreams and reason. It has a physical existence, but one can only slip into it through the space between the threads of reality.It is haunted by spirits, old gods and many dangers. Unstable by nature, it is impossible to map out. A dark river runs through it all, seemingly the only thing that ties it all together. This ever changing place is seemingly bathed in a permanent dusk.The Confins are desired by many but owned by none. Many believe it to be the domain of the dead.In the present day, it is roamed by many quarreling orders of exorcists with a mission to contain the spirits leaking into reality.-Some people have an affinity with manipulating threads. Being able to see and manipulate threads enables one to percieve and bind spirits. When that happens, they are often taken under the wing of an order for education and protection, as these gifts can make them targets for the spirits that slip into the world of humans.When used properly, an exorcist can use their gift to forcefully bind spirits and use their surnatural powers.
However, the most powerful spirits, called the old gods, cannot be controlled. Sealed away by the ancient exorcists, some of them are willing to contract with humans, but not without a price...

Beryl Roeidis

A young spirit hunter from a long lineage.He has great spirit perception despite his unability to bind them, so he was raised with high expectations. Acts prideful but has low self respect, he often feels he lacks purpose.
He travels the Confins on a mission from the organization he belongs to.

Valentin Damoiseaux

A traveller on the run from his doom.Having been raised isolated from the world, he has difficulties understanding and connecting to others.
Beryl was the only person he knew before, so as soon as he escaped he went searching for him.


An avatar born from an old god, posing as a spirit hunter.She lives to accomplish her imprisoned master's wishes.
Prideful, with self destructive tendencies. She is considered an extremly dangerous individual. She only craves her master's attention and to get reunited to her.


A strange traveler of the Confins, and Cassandre's fearsome bodyguard.He is obsessed with something he has forgotten about, but he seems dead set on the fact he'll recognize it when he finds it. Easily gets violent towards others.

Cassandre Akipher

A young genius exorcist who pledges allegiance to the order of the Roots.Often goes into the Confins for cryptic research purposes. She wants to find a way to seal away the Confins forever. The only person Beck seems to actually care about.

Luce Tailleur

A master of exorcism, she was Beryl's teacher.A woman of few words, she uses a seam ripper like sword to unbind spirits. She searches endlessly for a solution to get rid of old gods' avatars.